
AutoNation Announces Total Retail New Vehicle Unit Sales of 26,372 in May 2013 – UP 11% Mike Jackson Chairman and CEO of AutoNation - America's largest automotive retailer, today appeared on CNBC with the legendary Bob Lutz, formally Vice Chairman of General Motors, to announce that the company's total retail new vehicle unit sales in May 2013, as reported to the applicable automotive manufacturers, were 26,372, an increase of 11% as compared to May 2012. Same-store retail new vehicle unit sales in May 2013 were 25,566, an increase of 8% as compared to May 2012. Total retail new vehicle unit sales for the month were as follows. via corporate-communications.typepad.com http://shar.es/wlzz1 THERE http://shar.es/JEogy ARE http://shar.es/wJxAE STiLL 2MANY http://shar.es/wjYjs SUPER DUMBASS http://shar.es/wC99a SUPER C0WARDASS http://shar.es/wjHxF UNW0RTHYASS U.S. http://shar.es/w5XyT REPUBLiCAN SENAT0RS http://shar.es/wqpLW STiLL LiCKiN' & http://shar.es/wWEvt KiSSiN' DEEP http://shar.es/wHbdJ ALL UP http://shar.es/Jm9pj iN LaPiERRE'S http://shar.es/w1KRz SUPER NUTTY http://shar.es/ZUXJh DUMB ASS http://shar.es/Z8300 4HiS MiLLi0NS http://shar.es/Jek51 & THE http://shar.es/ZjRmi ASS KiSSiN' http://shar.es/JdUxr SUPER DUMBASS http://shar.es/wgOLv REPUBLiCAN SENAT0RS http://shar.es/ZG9AQ ARE STiLL http://shar.es/JlIsp L0ViN' iT http://shar.es/JSXLG & THE http://shar.es/ZpO0E SUPER SiCK http://shar.es/wqpLW WACK0 EXTREMiST http://shar.es/dRg0f DUMBASS REPUBLiCANS http://shar.es/d7KYH ARE EVEN http://shar.es/dRg0f CELEBRATiNG & http://shar.es/Z1567 Hi-FiViNG http://shar.es/JdYzK 0VER Y0UR http://shar.es/ZM19K DEAD LiTTLE http://shar.es/lWYE7 KiDS AMERiCA http://shar.es/lRJ9v iS THAT http://shar.es/w5br7 ACCEPTABLE http://shar.es/JJcWF FR0M Y0UR http://shar.es/lmDi9 SUPER DUMBASS http://shar.es/JeWRu DULY ELECTED http://chime.in/user/MRSjimvinbur SUPER C0WARDASS http://shar.es/lskNW UNW0RTHYASS http://shar.es/JeVnY REPUBLiCAN http://shar.es/wvkky SENAT0RS AMERiCA??? http://shar.es/dRSYZ http://shar.es/wuK8L http://shar.es/Z8iUC