
http://shar.es/xvxxfhttp://shar.es/xOFr9 THERE ARE STiLL 2MANY SUPER DUMBASS SUPER C0WARDASS UNW0RTHYASS EViL U.S. REPUBLiCAN SENAT0RS STiLL CARESSiN' & FEELiN' & KiSSiN' & LiCKiN' & DiGGiN' & SUCKiN' REALLY DEEP ALL UP iN WAYNE LaPiERRE'S SUPER NUTTYASS 4HiS MiLLi0NS & THEY ARE REALLY, REALLY L0ViN' iT STiLL! http://shar.es/xFfP5http://shar.es/YKBVShttp://shar.es/xEvFRhttp://shar.es/x8vog THERE http://shar.es/wNU17http://shar.es/wQR69 ARE http://t.co/jqGEz6xbJT STiLL http://shar.es/wqpLW 2MANY http://shar.es/wDLyv SUPER http://shar.es/wD8TP DUMBASS http://shar.es/w8fbh SUPER http://shar.es/w83E8 C0WARDASS http://shar.es/wI6b4 UNW0RTHYASS http://shar.es/winwk U.S. http://shar.es/wNU17 REPUBLiCAN http://shar.es/JEogy SENAT0RS http://shar.es/wibS7 STiLL http://shar.es/wypmi KiSSiN' & http://shar.es/wjYjs LiCKiN' & http://shar.es/wI17k DiGGiN' & http://shar.es/wC99a FEELiN' & http://likes.com/MRSjimvinbur CARESSiN' & http://shar.es/wVNFw SUCKiN' http://shar.es/xiOoqhttp://shar.es/lyhO2 DEEP http://shar.es/wjHxF ALL http://shar.es/w5XyT UP http://shar.es/51ATE iN http://shar.es/wqpLW WAYNE http://shar.es/w83E8 LaPiERRE'S http://shar.es/wWEvt SUPER http://shar.es/w8LFH NUTTY http://shar.es/wHbdJ DUMBASS http://shar.es/Jm9pj 4HiS http://shar.es/w1KRz MANY http://about.me/MRSjimvinbur MANY http://shar.es/ZUXJh MiLLi0NS & http://shar.es/Z8300 THE http://shar.es/Jek51 L0W http://shar.es/wSyLZ D0WN http://shar.es/ZjRmi ASS http://shar.es/wF9G9 KiSSiN' http://shar.es/JdUxr SUPER http://shar.es/wYfzY DUMBASS http://shar.es/wgOLvhttp://shar.es/x1mi8 REPUBLiCAN http://t.co/jqGEz6xbJT SENAT0RS http://shar.es/x39Xghttp://shar.es/ZG9AQ ARE http://shar.es/wFnLw REALLY http://shar.es/wSy1m REALLY http://shar.es/JlIsp L0ViN' http://shar.es/wF9G9 iT http://shar.es/wRZPI STiLL http://shar.es/x1XXi THEY D0 ABS0LUTELY N0THiNG http://shar.es/xtfz3 DELUSi0NAL http://shar.es/xEFlIhttp://shar.es/xA00Qhttp://shar.es/Jypbnhttp://shar.es/xx2Kkhttp://shar.es/xw1eGhttp://shar.es/xlS9Phttp://shar.es/xJHsThttp://shar.es/x4UeOhttp://shar.es/xsPfThttp://shar.es/xqrNahttp://shar.es/xrwdMhttp://shar.es/xpSVnhttp://shar.es/xgoGhhttp://shar.es/lFqabhttp://shar.es/xoUy0 ANGRY LYiNG C0RRUPT EViL HATEFUL http://shar.es/xc3Ja RACiST C0MMUNiST REPUBLiCANS http://chime.in/user/MRSjimvinbur ALL HAVE C0MMiTTED P0LiTiCAL SUiCiDE4 2o14 http://shar.es/51ATE THE UNREELECTABLE C0WARD http://shar.es/xE5n5 WHiNiNGASS KNUCKLE DRAGGERS J0HN B0EHNER & http://shar.es/x39Xg THE UNM0TiVATED UNREELECTABLE WELL KN0WN S0RRYASS WEASEL ERiC CANT0R & http://www.facebook.com/MRSjimvin THE 0LD DECREPiT DUMBASS http://shar.es/xx2Kk iT'S DEFiNiTELY TiME 2RETiRE SAB0TAGiNGASS http://shar.es/x1mi8 MiTCH "THE SUPER EViL SNiTCH" McC0NNELL http://bit.ly/18gQr5K "iNHERiT THE WiND" http://t.co/8Cu6LEXakk Y0U ARE G0iNG 2B0W D0WN http://shar.es/x4gHP BELiEVE http://shar.es/xJHsT Y0UR 0BSTRUCTi0NiSM & http://shar.es/x3zLC D0 N0THiNG DAYS ARE NUMBERED http://bit.ly/18gQr5K iT iS ENGRAVED iN ST0NE - DAMN RiTE - PRESiDENT OBAMA A MAN 0F ALL THE PE0PLE iN...
THERE ARE STiLL 2MANY SUPER DUMBASS SUPER C0WARDASS UNW0RTHYASS U.S. REPUBLiCAN SENAT0RS STiLL KiSSiN' & LiCKiN' & FEELiN' & DiGGiN' DEEP ALL UP iN WAYNE LaPiERRE'S SUPER NUTTYASS 4HiS MiLLi0NS & THEY ARE REALLY, REALLY L0ViN' iT STiLL... via d99928352683759373.typepad.com http://shar.es/dgiaB http://shar.es/AIqXC http://shar.es/AEUTf http://shar.es/Ai20A http://shar.es/Ay5cp http://shar.es/Adk4X http://shar.es/AynvN THERE http://shar.es/Aw0H7 http://shar.es/Aw4Tq ARE http://shar.es/wDLyv http://shar.es/AcItR STiLL http://shar.es/AA39g 2MANY http://shar.es/AZvEy http://shar.es/Alpa4 SUPER http://t.co/cSY2G9Ltxn DUMBASS http://shar.es/Av2ez SUPER http://shar.es/Ayr2B C0WARDASS http://shar.es/Ao6u7 SUPER http://shar.es/AZxOG LAZYASS http://shar.es/AvP2L UNW0RTHYASS http://shar.es/AhHLs SUPER EViLASS http://shar.es/xLXkj U.S. REPUBLiCAN http://shar.es/Au1BA SENAT0RS STiLL http://shar.es/xsPfT CARESSiN' & http://shar.es/xCfDn FEELiN' & http://shar.es/AYoeL LiCKiN' & http://shar.es/A5Dkt SUCKiN' & http://shar.es/wypmi KiSSiN' & http://shar.es/AJ8aB STiCKiN' & http://shar.es/AJ85G DiGGiN' http://shar.es/AZQyP & PR0BiN' & EATiN' http://shar.es/AJ8dY REALLY, REALLY DEEP http://shar.es/AJf0W ALL UP http://shar.es/AzSZN iN WAYNE http://shar.es/AJ8E1 LaPiERRE'S D0UBLY http://shar.es/AkAfa CERTiFiED SUPER http://shar.es/xx2Kk NUTTYASS 4HiS MANY http://shar.es/xx2Kk MANY MULTiTUDE http://shar.es/AJ8SO 0F MiLLi0NS & http://shar.es/AZhKa THE SUPER C0WARDASS http://shar.es/AyXrk REPUBLiCAN http://shar.es/AiZmz SENAT0RS http://shar.es/AwfLi ARE REALLY http://shar.es/AJF6Q REALLY L0ViN' iT http://shar.es/AJDgc VERY http://shar.es/AA7DF VERY DEEPLY http://shar.es/wqpLW STiLL http://shar.es/lWYE7 THERE ARE STiLL 2MANY SUPER DUMBASS SUPER C0WARDASS LAZYASS UNW0RTHYASS EViLASS U.S. REPUBLiCAN SENAT0RS STiLL CARESSiN' & FEELiN' & LiCKiN' & SUCKiN' & KiSSiN' & STiCKiN' & DiGGiN' & PR0BiN' & EATiN' REALLY, REALLY DEEP ALL UP iN WAYNE LaPiERRE'S D0UBLY CERTiFiED SUPER NUTTYASS 4HiS MANY, MANY MULTiTUDE 0F MiLLi0NS & THE SUPER DUMBASS REPUBLiCANS ARE REALLY, REALLY L0ViN' iT VERY, VERY DEEPLY - STiLL...